Thursday, January 14, 2010


First of all, HAPPY 2010 EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season :)

I can't even BEGIN to describe the generosity I have experienced in the past couple of weeks! I started receiving donations to Bike and Build in my name just days after sending out the donation letters and they keep coming in!!! I'm so humbled by this entire process and all of the people that are willing to give to the cause...I can't say thank you enough! As of today, I officially passed the $3,000 mark! That means only $1,000 left to raise for my portion of the fundraising!! Along with all of the wonderful monetary contributions, I would also like to thank everyone that has given me support in other ways. I've had so many people wish me luck and tell me they will be thinking of me next summer in all of my travels and that means so much to me!

This week I made my first trip to Bokoo Bikes in Chanhassen, MN where I got "fitted" for a bike (a trip that was ONLY possible thanks to my FANTASTIC, patient, car-owning friends TORI AND AMY)! As most of you know, I'm not exactly TALL so I wanted to make sure the mens x-small bike would still fit my oh-so-lengthy stature or if I would have to cough up the extra money to get a womens bike. After trying out a few different bikes with the help of a very helpful worker, we decided the mens x-small would work just great! Even better...Bokoo happened to be having a huge sale on biking shoes so I ended up buying a pair for 30% off the regular price...I win! Lucky (or maybe not so much?) for me, I'm not the only super short person doing Bike and Build this summer because Bokoo has completely run out of the x-small bikes so I will have to wait until March to get my bike. It looks like more stationary bike training for me in the next two months. However, I had my longest ride everrr last week...23 miles in about two hours! I know 23 miles seems like NOTHING compared to the 80ish I'll be riding a day this summer but it's all about baby steps! :)

Spring semester in a few days....last one, here we go!

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