Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Llama Proma 2010: a day on the farm

One of the most memorable nights of my life took place in Rugby, North Dakota this past week. The 2010 NUS team held their prom at Rugby High School, home to the panthers I do believe. The theme was appropriately named "Llama Proma - A day on the farm" due to all of the llamas we have encountered on our ride. Not to mention the enormous amount of farmland we've been riding through for the past month or so. We were all to dress up in appropriate garb, and the boys each drew a lady's name out of a hat to determine his date for the night. The boys were also all required to ask their date to prom in a very creative way. My date, Mr. Jamey Gaston, may have had the best proposal of them all. I'm afraid my future fiancé has a lot to live up to. The story goes a little something like this...

We were all sitting around the host in Grand Rapids, MN getting ready to go to bed after a presentation when suddenly Beth and Nolan start screaming that we all needed to come outside. We all walked out and Nolan started telling a ridiculous story (clearly trying to buy some time for some reason) when I started to see a few funny faces among my teammates. Sarah and Denis started CRACKING up and I had no idea what was going on! All of the sudden, Jamey appears from the distance riding a HORSE!!! I kid you not a real life horse! He gallops over and asks in his booming voice, "Kate Terry - will you go to prom with me!?!?!?". I clearly lost it and was so happy I could hardly contain myself! It was OUTSTANDING :) Thank you again Jamey, you will always be my prince charming :)

Prom was AWESOMEEEE! We had couples pictures, some of the best farm outfits I've ever seen (or farm products - I was dressed as an ear of corn), outstanding dancing, fantastic decorations and out of this world music to top it all off. I literally sweat more dancing that night than I have on the past few ride days. We danced the night away and even crowned a King and Queen of the Llama Proma - CONGRATS KIRA AND STEVEN...you both deserve it :) :) We awarded best dancers, best outfits and the "spirit of the llama" and just had a ball doing it all! I love my group so much and I can't believe how much fun we have together! I feel so lucky! After all of the festivities were done we took group showers to cool down and de-stink ourselves and went to bed! All in a days work for B+Bers :) we win!

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